

—— Are you proud of your creation,Primus?I doubt it!Even clothed in this fine pretender shell,I'm still the weak,indecisive robot I ever was!

—— 你还在为你创造的生命感到骄傲吗,普莱姆斯神?我深表怀疑!即使是穿上了这身隐者外壳,我却仍然还是从前那个无力的、优柔寡断的赛博坦人!

—— Help me!

—— 请帮帮我!

—— Are you an angry god,one who demands sacrifice?Must I condemn my friends to death because of this Unicron……Who may or may not exist?

—— 你真的就是那个甘于自我牺牲的愤怒之神吗?难道为了这个或有或无的……宇宙大帝,我就必须任凭我的朋友们死去吗?

—— Many questions,but no answers,having“DIED”once,it's kind'a hard just to accept our fate!Ratchet sacrificed himself to give us life……

—— 问题太多了,但却没有一个答案。已经“死”过一次的我们,已经很难再去漠然接受命运的安排!救护车牺牲自己,换来了我们的重生……

—— Will dying again save our world?

—— 难道我们又要用死亡来换取世界的安宁吗?

—— NO!I can't…Won't just accept that!

—— 不!我做不到……我不会接受这种事!

—— T's up to shape the future,but not passively meekly!We will fight to survive,to prosper! With all due respect,Primus……

—— 未来是什么模样,要由我们说了算,而不是懦弱、被动地接受!我们要战斗,要生存,要成功!恕我无礼了,普莱姆斯神……

—— It's time your creations stood on their own feet!

—— 你所创造的生物,现在要靠自己的力量活下去了!


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